Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Political struggles (both Democrats and Republicans)

The political scene is much newsworthy lately the last month or so.  Would not you agree coming out of the Untied States capital: Washington DC, scandals concerning IRS, AP reporting, AG Holder poor performance, etc.?  What is particularly happening with politics today?

I think that these scandals are the tremors of a political-quake for both parties in this country.  I have to say that our great country is so close to financial ruin that we are being blinded and side swiped with petty political maneuverings, and that there will soon come the day of reckoning (financially).  It is evident that our leaders are drowning in a swamp of monetary decay that there is NO way to swim out of it.  There are a few good elected leaders who see this eminent problem and are sounding the “trumpet”  that we will be lost soon if we don’t change our financial direction soon.

One good leader, who I see serving with his whole heart, is Representative Paul Ryan.  I am not here to promote any republican agenda or democrat errors, but I do see Ryan being one of the few true hearted politicians with genuine leadership abilities.  Now, contrary of serving true to the heart, I am gravely disappointed in Speaker Boehner.  And this is where I find fault with Republicans.  I think that the speaker has let his authority and pride go to his head.  He is not serving the American people very well, because he doesn't stand for much of anything.  He wavers in the face of political opposition.  Whereas congressman Ryan firmly stands upon his heart driven beliefs which are to save this great country from ultimate financial ruin.

Back to the scandals I spoke about.  American are faced with a new tax (OBAMACARE) and the IRS is to collect these taxes from poor middle class citizens who cannot buy health insurance.  The same IRS that is filled with radical political people preying on conservative groups of people.  Where is the outcry from the Republicans to remind us that Obama has broken his promise to not raise any new taxes on middle class Americans.  Middle class citizens are going to bear the heaviest strain of new taxes overall with OBAMACARE.  I want to hear an organized voice from Republicans to proclaim Obama’s lie and even lead rallies to rein in the Democrat power base.  I am sorely disappointed in the failure of Republicans to be so silent on these issues.

So, I am going to write to our Republican leaders and ask them to truly evaluate their motives.  We need leaders with heart passion to overcome Democrats.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Evolution is only to benefit anti-God theory.

My personal observation about evolution is that it is false theory.  I am an amateur astronomer and I have a refractor telescope.  This telescope has allowed me to view most of our planets in the solar system, especially Jupiter and Saturn.  One night a few years back, I set my telescope up and pointed to the bright light (Jupiter) in the ecliptic arc around earth.  It took me a little while to finally focus in on the planet, but once I did, I was astonished at the magnificence of that planet.  There are moons orbiting Jupiter and I was able to focus in on a few of those moons.  After about two hours of my amateur observations, I still was in awe of that planet and how it plays a significant part of holding the solar system in orbit also.  I came to realize that the orbital and gravitational forces of Jupiter help spin the other planets around the Sun.  Because it is so large its gravity has a secret and hidden force upon earth and the other planets around.  What I came to ultimately understand by observing Jupiter and its moons is how these planetary bodies were precisely placed by an intelligent designer.  That intelligent designer is who I choose to name God.
Now fast forward to my general biology class in college which I am presently in.  In biology we are learning about the orbital forces of electrons around a nucleus, which contains protons and neutrons.  In life science biology, we see that a cell is the basic unit of life, but it is amazingly so tiny as far as our human body is concerned.  Now, in order to see these small cells, we need a microscope to look into the unknown ‘world’ of cell structure.  A microscope does just the opposite than a telescope but yet all with glass lenses in the focusing apparatus.  Microscopes and telescopes do about the same function and that is to magnify the source.  Yet the argument remains that the intelligent designer (God) allowed man to use lenses to proclaim his glory.
For me to try and believe evolution is like throwing a rock into a pond and eventually that rock will come back as a frog.  I find that very objectionable and ignorant.  Yet colleges and universities continue to trust in faulty science of Darwinism whose main purpose was to reject God as author and designer of all things.  Over the years, it has now been convenient for schools to promote evolution as fact just to rid God of the system.  Man has replaced a creator God with his own god, named evolution.  That I must say is idolatry.

Jupiter to Earth spot